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Ganesh Gohain

Ganesh Gohain

Masterpieces On Exhibit

Ganesh Gohain

Born in 1967, Ganesh Gohain graduated from the Government College of Art and Crafts, Guwahati, Assam, followed by a Post Diploma specialisation from the MSU, Baroda.  

Exploring a sense of ephemerality, Ganesh Gohain treads across multiple realities through his works. By juxtaposing glimpses of memories and interactions with the discursive and the abstract, the artist’s work reflects his views on a societal utopia. Within the realm of his creative expressions, he can fragment, understand and recreate realities. While his paintings address the abstract, his sculptural endeavours are directed towards a poetic visual which sings of what could be. 

He has had several solo and group exhibitions in India and abroad including at the Ecole Superieure Des Beaux - Arts, Le Mans, France, 1999, "Open Spaces to the Sky" Lakeeren Art Gallery, 1999 and the 41st National Exhibition of art 1998, Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi.  

He has been felicitated by the Charles Wallace Fellowship Award 2002-03 at Berllanderi Sculpture Workshop, Wales, U.K, Harmony Excellence Award for Emerging Artist for the Year and All India Fine Art and Crafts Society Award, New Delhi among several other accolades. 

The artist lives and works in Baroda. 

His exhibit with us is titled Unknown figures appear on Map towards Infinity,a silver acrylic, yellow ochre and mixed media on canvas made in 2017-18.